
Aug 2007

This issue of Strategic Insights examines several aspects regarding WMD proliferation and terrorists' strategies for acquiring WMDs. It analyzes biological and nuclear proliferation and the respective role of organized criminal actors. The paper also looks at the A Q Khan network, the London Ricin Cell as well as the Iranian strategy behind its nuclear policies. One chapter assesses the outlook for Russia's presidential elections in March 2008.

Author Stephen F Burgess, Leonard A Cole, Andrea Plebani, Catherine Rhodes, Malcolm Dando, Glen Segell, Bruno Tertrais, Phil Williams, Lyudmila Zaitseva, Ryan Carr, Stephen Blank, Edward G Anderson Jr, PR Kumaraswamy
Series CCC Strategic Insights
Issue 5
Publisher Center on Contemporary Conflict (CCC)
Copyright © 2007 Center for Contemporary Conflict (CCC)
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