Presentation of the Bulletin 2022 on Swiss Security Policy

Bulletin Launch

The 2022 edition of the CSS annual Bulletin on Swiss Security Policy was launched on 1 December 2022 in Berne. CSS authors Niklas Masuhr, Sophie-Charlotte Fischer, Fabien Merz, and Simon J. A. Mason, as well as author Alexander Hug presented their contributions to the publication.

In five chapters, the authors take up topics that will occupy Swiss foreign and security policy in the coming years: It starts with an interview with Federal President and Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), Ignazio Cassis. In it, he outlines an increasingly multipolar world in which power politics increases at the expense of a rule-based order. In the first chapter of the Bulletin, Constant Despont, Dominika Kunertova and Niklas Masuhr start with the military use of drones, which also received a great deal of media attention in the context of the Ukraine war. In the second chapter, Sophie-Charlotte Fischer and Amos Dossi examine the implications of the Ukraine war for Swiss cooperation strategies in the field of security and defense. The third chapter, written by Fabien Merz, highlights the four thematic priorities of Switzerland's UN Security Council membership, as well as the associated opportunities and ambitions. In the fourth chapter, Simon J. A. Mason and Olivia Lazard discuss the interconnections between peace mediation and climate protection. Finally, in the final chapter, Alexander Hug and Simon J.A. Mason consider the role of technology in monitoring ceasefires. As every year, this issue also presents CSS projects.

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