No. 121: The North Korean Nuclear Issue: Between Containment and Dialog

No. 121: The North Korean Nuclear Issue: Between Containment and Dialog

Author(s): Ursula Jasper
Editor(s): Daniel Trachsler
Series: CSS Analyses in Security Policy
Issue: 121
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2012

For approximately two decades, numerous international actors in various constellations have been struggling to resolve the smouldering nuclear conflict with North Korea. Brief phases of political rapprochement have alternated with diplomatic and military confrontations. The accession to power of Kim Jong-Un in December 2011 has so far done nothing to break this pattern. International actors will therefore have to decide whether to continue the policy of containment or to resume multilateral negotiations.


Enlarged view:
North Korean Proliferation Activities
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