No. 4: Negotiations, Security, and Eu-Integration

No. 4: Negotiations, Security, and Eu-Integration

Author(s): Volodymyr Fesenko, Yuliia Kurnyshova, André Härtel
Series Editor(s): Fabian Burkhardt, Ksenia Gatskova, Ivan Gomza, Guido Hausmann, Tetiana Kostiuchenko, Tetiana Kyselova, Serhiy Kudelia, Yulia Kurnyshova, Jeronim Perović
Series: Ukrainian Analytical Digest (UAD)
Issue: 4
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich; Research Centre for East European Studies (FSO), University of Bremen; Center for Eastern European Studies (CEES), University of Zurich; German Association for East European Studies (DGO)
Publication Year: 2024

In this issue, Volodymyr Fesenko examines the complexity of negotiations and explores, if negotiations to end the Russian aggression against Ukraine could be possible. His analysis is complemented by survey data on what Ukrainians actually think about negotiations. Yuliia Kurnyshova discusses whether shared threat perceptions between Ukraine and the West will accelerate Ukraine's integration into the EU and NATO. And André Härtel considers whether Ukraine and the EU are ready for Ukraine’s EU accession process.
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