Ukrainian Analytical Digest (UAD)
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The Ukrainian Analytical Digest (UAD) is a bimonthly internet publication jointly produced by the Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen (external page, the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich (, the Center for Eastern European Studies (CEES) at the University of Zurich (external page, and the German Association for East European Studies (DGO) (external page The Ukrainian Analytical Digest analyzes the political, economic, and social situation in Ukraine within the context of international and security dimensions of this country’s development.
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Editorial Board:
external page Fabian Burkhardt, external page Ksenia Gatskova, external page Ivan Gomza, external page Guido Hausmann, external page Tetiana Kostiuchenko, external page Tetiana Kyselova, external page Serhiy Kudelia, external page Yulia Kurnyshova, external page Jeronim Perović, external page Ilona Solohub.
Corresponding Editors:
Eduard Klein (external page and Heiko Pleines (external page, both Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen.
Matthias Neumann, Research Centre for East European Studies at the University of Bremen (external page
The series is partnered with the German language publication Ukraine-Analysen
(external page
All Issues
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No. 11: Warfare and International Relations
This issue looks at warfare and international relations in Russia’s ongoing war of aggression against Ukraine. The first two contributions, by Esther Locher and Dominika Kunertova, examine new developments in urban warfare and drone warfare respectively. The next two contributions, by Yuliya Kazdobina and Thomas Pritchard, analyse Ukraine’s interim security framework based on bilateral agreements and the use of nuclear strategy and narratives by Russia. Finally, Parker Watt describes Russian efforts at disinformation in American society.

No. 10: Relations with Ukraine's Neighbors
The six analyses in this issue look at Ukraine's relations with its neighbors and how they have developed since the start of the Russian full-scale invasion in February 2022. While Ukraine's neighborly relations with Poland, Romania and the Republic of Moldova have improved significantly, bilateral relations with Hungary and Slovakia are complicated and those with Russia’s ally Belarus have even reached a low point.