

During the 1990s, the nature of world affairs underwent significant change unparalleled since the end of World War II. The decade witnessed neither a "New World Order" nor the "End of History". The new world could rather be characterized as one in which we could find a juxtaposition of order and disorder. It is against this backdrop that this book addresses the future of strategic studies with particular emphasis on the following four areas: the possibilities and opportunities present in enlarging the Western zone of cooperatively organized international affairs; regional security problems and dynamics; new security challenges; and the future instruments and dimensions of security policy. The book contains contributions by scholars working in the fields of international relations and security studies.

Author Mustafa Aydin, Jeffrey P. Bradford, Gilles Carbonnier, Richard A. Falkenrath, Ann Fitz-Gerald, Anthony Forster, Elisabeth Hausschild, Joachim Krause, Sonia Lucarel, Carlo Masala, Claude Nicolet, Leif Ohlsson, Maree Reid, Gideon Rose, Kurt R. Spillmann, Kori Schake, Astrid Scharf, Barna Zsigmond
Series Studies in Contemporary History and Security Policy
Issue 1
Publisher Center for Security Studies (CSS)
Copyright This book offers a selection of papers presented at the 1997 New Faces Conferences in Bonn, Germany, and its 1998 successor at Chexbres, Switzerland. © 1999 Peter Lang AG
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