Europe's Experience in Countering Radicalization: Approaches and Challenges

Europe's Experience in Countering Radicalization: Approaches and Challenges

Autor(en): Lorenzo Vidino, James Brandon
Journaltitel: Journal of Policing, Intelligence and Counter Terrorism
Band: 7
Ausgabe: 2
Seiten: 163-179
Verlag(e): Routledge
Publikationsjahr: 2012

Since the mid-2000s, several European countries have developed comprehensive counter-radicalization programs as part of their counter-terrorism strategies, seeking to de-radicalize or disengage committed militants and, with even greater intensity, prevent the radicalization of new ones. This article describes the genesis, main characteristics, aims, underlying philosophies, and challenges experienced by counter-radicalization strategies in various European countries. Each country's experience has been deeply shaped by political, cultural, and legal elements unique to each society. Moreover, the programs have been in place for just a few years, and it is therefore difficult to fully assess their impact. Nevertheless, the experience to date points to certain key characteristics and challenges common to all European counter-radicalization programs which the article seeks to outline and analyze.