Living with Bushfire Risk

Living with Bushfire Risk

Social and Environmental Influences on Preparedness

Autor(en): Douglas Paton, Petra Bürgelt, Tim Prior
Journaltitel: Australian Journal of Emergency Management
Band: 23
Ausgabe: 3
Seiten: 41-48
Verlag(e): Emergency Management Australia
Publikationsjahr: 2008

This article discusses the process of developing a model capable of informing the development of community outreach strategies to facilitate the sustained adoption of bushfire preparedness measures. Following the identification of anomalies in defining the predictors of preparedness, a qualitative study of the reasoning processes that influence whether or not people decided to prepare for bushfire hazards is presented. The findings of the qualitative study are used to revise the preparedness model. Finally, using data from 482 residents in high bushfire risk areas in Hobart, the ability of the revised model to account for differences in levels of household preparedness is discussed.