Military Privatization

Military Privatization

Changing the Military-Civil Force Mix

Autor(en): Ulrich Petersohn
Journaltitel: European Political Science
Band: 10
Ausgabe: 2
Seiten: 146-156
Verlag(e): European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR)
Publikationsjahr: 2011

The article sets out to answer two closely related questions of why western states do outsource and why they display a variance. Hypotheses will be drawn from historical and sociological institutionalism and probed in two cases: Germany and the US. Historical institutionalism argues that the current contractor support is in keeping with the historical trend. Sociological institutionalism instead argues that states organise their militaries according to a globally shared template. However, the extent to which it is implemented is strongly influenced by the ideational foundations the states are built upon. Comparing these explanations, this study argues that patterns of military privatisation result from globally shared standards and the ideational foundations of the state rather than from historical trajectory and material benefits.