The Art of Targeting

The Art of Targeting

A Comparison of Two Fundamental Theoretical Conceptions

Autor(en): Christian F. Anrig
Herausgeber: Kdt Luftwaffe
Journaltitel: Air Power Revue
Ausgabe: 3
Seiten: 16
Verlag(e): Allgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift (ASMZ)
Publikationsjahr: 2004

There are two major theoretical conceptions regarding the question of what targets air power should focus on. Some authors argue that air forces should undertake quick strikes against strategic objects, while others defend the strategy of attacking the opponent's fielded forces. John Warde adheres to the former school of thought, while Robert Pape supports the latter theory, arguing that the examples of Iraq and Bosnia back his point of view.