The Cyberspace Dimension in Armed Conflict

The Cyberspace Dimension in Armed Conflict

Approaching a Complex Issue with Assistance of the Morphological Method

Autor(en): Myriam Dunn
Herausgeber: Andreas Wenger
Buchtitel: The Internet and the Changing Face of International Relations and Security
Journaltitel: Information & Security
Ausgabe: 7
Seiten: 145-158
Verlag(e): ProCon Ltd.
Publikationsjahr: 2001

This article explores the growing importance of the internet in conflict situations. The author discusses how, why, and with what consequences the internet is used in modern and future conflicts and takes Operation Allied Force in Kosovo and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as examples. The purpose of the new tools and weapons is to affect the decision-making processes of both government leaders and the general civilian population. The author concludes that there is a discouraging trend towards more civilian involvement in modern high-tech conflicts, even though they are less violent.