The Italian Radical Left's Ambivalent Fascination with Islamism

The Italian Radical Left's Ambivalent Fascination with Islamism

Autor(en): Lorenzo Vidino
Journaltitel: Dynamics of Asymmetric Conflict: Pathways Toward Terrorism and Genocide
Verlag(e): Routledge
Publikationsjahr: 2012

This article examines how the most militant cross-sections of the Italian extreme Left have conceptualized and sought to frame a political position towards Islamism. By analyzing the writings of La Voce, a publication edited by individuals closely linked to the Red Brigades, it seeks to outline the mixed and somewhat confused feelings of Italian militants towards groups like Hamas, Hezbollah, al Qaeda and the Taliban. The admiration for these groups' ability to challenge American, Israeli and Western imperialism is mixed with a criticism of some of their backwards views. However, Italian Leftists are firm in the conviction that Communist ideology will eventually return victorious, picking up the anti-imperialist struggle initiated by Islamist groups.