The Two Front Threat and Warning Intelligence

The Two Front Threat and Warning Intelligence

Autor(en): Prem Mahadevan
Journaltitel: Defence and Security Alert (DSA)
Band: 3
Ausgabe: 12
Seiten: 51-53
Publikationsjahr: 2012 (forthcoming)

This article looks at the Intelligence aspects of a two-front war with China and Pakistan. Whichever country attacks India first, will pose the greater threat. This is because it will be involved in a general war, in which the second front will only be complementary action by its ally. Even so, events on the second front will ultimately determine the war's result. As it prepares to fight two opponents at once, the Indian Army needs to develop the capacity to act promptly on local intelligence warnings. Most importantly, it requires drawing up counteroffensive plans to strike the second aggressor while he is still off-balance and yet to consolidate his position.