Vision for Mining and Minerals

Vision for Mining and Minerals

Applying Causal Layered Analysis and Art

Autor(en): Aleta Lederwasch, Leah Mason, Jane Daly, Tim Prior, Damien Giurco
Journaltitel: Journal of Futures Studies
Band: 15
Ausgabe: 4
Seiten: 203-224
Verlag(e): Graduate Institute of Futures Studies, Tamkang University
Publikationsjahr: 2011

This article provides an overview of the futures workshop Vision 2040: Innovation in Mining and Minerals, which used art and causal layered analysis to develop a shared vision for Australia's minerals industry future. Vision 2040, facilitated by Prof. Sohail Inayatullah and researchers from the Institute for Sustainable Futures at the University of Technology, Sydney, forms part of the Commodity Futures stream in a broader program of research supported by the CSIRO's Minerals Down Under Flagship. The workshop provided mining stakeholders with an opportunity to explore how Australia's minerals industry can deliver longterm national benefit.