What Missile Proliferation Means for Europe

What Missile Proliferation Means for Europe

Autor(en): Oliver Thränert, Anthony Seaboyer
Journaltitel: Survival: Global Politics and Strategy
Band: 48
Ausgabe: 2
Seiten: 85-96
Verlag(e): Routledge
Publikationsjahr: 2006

The missile issue is back, yet the problem has not yet generated the broader public debate necessary to understand what missile proliferation really means for Europe and what instruments should be chosen to deal with it. For Europe, the most important ramification of this proliferation will be to restrain European willingness to intervene militarily beyond the territories of NATO and EU members. With this background, the debate on missile defense is likely to continue on Europe, yet with only a moderate threat perception, tight budgets and other military necessities, missile defenses cannot be a political priority.