External Determinants of Russian Regionalization

External Determinants of Russian Regionalization

Autor(en): Alexander Sergounin
Serie: Project Regionalization of Russian Foreign and Security Policy
Ausgabe: 3
Verlag(e): Forschungsstelle für Sicherheitspolitik und Konfliktanalyse, ETH Zurich
Publikationsjahr: 2001

This study examines the external determinants of Russia's regionalization, focusing on global, geopolitical, military-strategic, economic, social, and environmental factors. The author arrives at the conclusion that international influences have both positive and negative implications. On the one hand, they open Russian regions up for international cooperation and contribute to the search for new models of Russian federalism. On the other hand, external factors may encourage nationalism and separatism at the subnational level and may provoke Russia's disintegration. It is therefore important for Russian policy-makers to prevent, or at least reduce, the destructive processes, and to find ways of increasing the positive effects of international influence on Russia.