The Colombian Trap: Another Partial Peace

Even though a series of armed groups have demobilized and violence has declined over recent decades, peace remains partial in Colombia, argues Enzo Nussio in this new CSS Analysis. The current peace process with the FARC insurgency shows why Colombia has such difficulty achieving a complete peace.

by Sara Rodriguez Martinez
Protesters during the November 2019 national strike expressing their discontent with Colombianpolitics and demanding peace. Luisa Gonzalez / Reuters

In the early 1980s, the Colombian govern­ment was one of the first in Latin America to start negotiations with communist reb­els during the Cold War. However, Colom­bia is the last one to continue to face a sig­nificant threat from those groups well into the 21st century. In the meantime, Colom­bia has become a rare success story in terms of homicidal violence reduction in Latin America, in contrast to countries like Mex­ico, El Salvador, and Venezuela.

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