Securing Future 5G-Networks
Categorized as a systemically relevant infrastructure, 5G plays a crucial role for a wide range of technological innovations. According to this CSS Policy Perspective by Julian Kamasa, the technological and geopolitical challenges that converge in this context require comprehensive solutions.

Durch 5G aufgeworfene Fragen in Europa betreffen auch die Gewährleistung sicherer Tech-Lieferketten. Dado Ruvic / Reuters
Key Points
- New technologies must be analyzed comprehensively. While no 5G vendors are entirely risk-free, their provenance does play a role if the rule of law is not guaranteed in the vendor’s domicile country. Risks can be minimized via a reduction of potential vulnerabilities.
- The security debate surrounding 5G should be taken as an incentive to closely analyze high-tech supply chains. The EU should adopt its own approach to becoming an actor at the nexus of technology and geopolitics. Europe should share experiences with like-minded states and step-up its multilateral cooperation.