Satellite Imagery for Disaster Resilience

Increasing natural hazards and complex emergencies require optimizations in the Swiss civil protection system. Joining the EU’s Copernicus program could ensure satellite imagery access for disaster risk reduction, helping to save lives, argues Jurgena Kamberaj in this issue of the CSS Policy Perspectives series.
German Military Planning: Aims and Trade-Offs

German security and defense policy faces considerable challenges. The armed forces are confronted with serious recruitment and financial issues, in addition to conflicts between political and military priorities, write Alexander Feltes and Niklas Masuhr in this edition of the CSS Analyses in Security Policy series.
Managing Disaster Costs

The increasing frequency and magnitude of climate-exacerbated hazards, coupled with the growing vulnerability of societies worldwide, are raising the financial costs of disasters. Governments finance a larger share of these costs through post-disaster measures. However, reducing risk and optimizing the allocation of pre-disaster resources can reduce the negative financial impacts on governments, writes Simon Aebi in this edition of the CSS Analyses in Security Policy series.