Making Cyber Attribution More Transparent

Following the example of Intrusion Truth, governments should substantiate their attribution statements that identify the perpetrators of malicious cyber operations with open-source intelligence, argues Eugenio Benincasa in this issue of the CSS Policy Perspectives series.
The Role of Mediation Support Structures

Mediation is effective, under certain conditions. Yet the increase in geopolitical polarization and armed conflict raises the question of how mediation can be sustained and improved. Mediation support is one option, albeit not the only one, argue Simon J. A. Mason and Mukondeleli Mpeiwa in this edition of the CSS Analyses in Security Policy Series.
UN Peacekeeping

The 75th anniversary of UN peacekeeping is cause for celebration. Research shows that UN troops can effectively curtail violence in wars between and within states. Yet, peacekeeping has always been shaped by the geopolitical landscape, and the renewed great power competition coupled with antiliberal tendencies worldwide are a formidable challenge for the organization, argues Corinne Bara in this edition of the CSS Analyses in Security Policy Series.