Clémence Poirier

Clémence Poirier

Haldeneggsteig 4
8092 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 632 34 39

Clémence Poirier is a Senior Researcher in the Cyberdefense Project within the Risk and Resilience Team at the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich.

Prior to joining CSS, she was a Research Fellow at the European Space Policy Institute (ESPI) in Vienna, Austria where she conducted multidisciplinary research on space affairs. She worked as a Researcher for Flinders University in Adelaide, Australia where she carried out policy and legal research on the cybersecurity of the Australian space infrastructure. She is also the Space Generation Advocacy and Policy Platform’s Lead on Responsible Space Behavior at the Space Generation Advisory Council (SGAC). Her research interests include space cybersecurity, electronic and cyber conflict in outer space as well as broader space security and defense issues.

Clémence holds a Master’s degree in International Relations, International Security and Defense as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Foreign Applied Languages (English, Russian, Spanish) from University Jean Moulin Lyon III, France.


external page Poirier, Clémence (2024) 'Les dynamiques du cyberconflit dans l’espace: perspectives de la guerre en Ukraine', Space International n° 04, Aerion Group.

external page R. Praino; C. Poirier; V. Guedes G. de Oliveira; M. Aliberti; D. Floreani (2024) 'Cybersecurity of Space Infrastructure: A Multidisciplinary Approach', Technical Report 11, SmartSat CRC.

external page Bataille, Mathieu, Poirier, Clémence (ed) (2023) 'Space, Cyber and Defence: Navigating Interdisciplinary Challenges', ESPI+ Report, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI).

external page Poirier, Clémence, et al. (2023) 'On-orbit Servicing, Assembly, and Manufacturing: State of Play and Perspectives on Future Evolutions', ESPI Report 87, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI).

external page Poirier, Clémence, Bataille, Mathieu, Petzold, Lars (2023) 'EU Space Policy and the Involvement of Civil Society', Final Study Report, European Economic and Social Committee (EESC).

external page Poirier, Clémence, Michelle Hermes, Marco Aliberti (2023) 'The role of space-based data in European climate policies', Acta Astronautica, Volume 214, 2024, Pages 439-443.

external page Poirier, Clémence (2022) 'The War in Ukraine from a Space Cybersecurity Perspective', ESPI Report 84, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI).

external page Guedes Gonçalves de Oliveira, Vinicius, Poirier, Clémence, Aliberti, Marco, Praino, Rodrigo (2022) 'Cyber-securing Australia’s Space Infrastructure: an Assessment of the Policy and Legal Frameworks', 73rd International Astronautical Congress (IAC), Paris, France.

external page Rencelj, Matija, Dalledonne, Sara, Poirier, Clémence (2022) 'Space Environment Capacity', ESPI Report 82, Full Report, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI).

external page Poirier, Clémence (2021) 'Interdependences Between Space and Cyberspace in a Context of Increasing Militarization and Emerging Weaponization of Outer Space – A French Perspective', in: Froehlich, Annette, Outer Space and Cyber Space, Similarities, Interrelations and Legal Perspectives, Springer Nature Switzerland AG.

external page Aliberti, Marco, Rencelj, Matija, Poirier, Clémence, Hallet, Lauryn, Hermes, Michelle, (2021) 'Emerging Spacefaring Nations', ESPI Report 79, Full Report, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI).

external page Poirier, Clémence (2021) 'Perspectives on ESA Agenda 2025', Executive Brief, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI).

external page Poirier, Clémence (2021) 'Perspectives on a European Office for Space Commerce', Executive Brief, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI).

external page Poirier, Clémence (2020) 'U.S SPD-5: Towards a better coordinated approach on space cybersecurity', Executive Brief, European Space Policy Institute (ESPI).