
The Center for a New American Security (CNAS) is an independent and nonpartisan research institution that develops 'strong, pragmatic and principled' national security/defense policy options that are designed to promote and protect US interests and values. Its Policy Briefs Series provides concise analyses and recommendations for US decision-makers on a variety of security-centered issues.

Publishers: Center for a New American Security (CNAS)
Publications: Maintaining America’s Coercive Economic Strength
Autonomous Weapons and Human Control
An Intensified Approach to Combatting the Islamic State
Economic Statecraft: American Economic Power & the New Face of Financial Warfare
Navigating the Future: US-Taiwan Maritime Cooperation and Building Order in Asia
Iran's Economic Reintegration
Defend, Defect, or Desert? The Future of the Afghan Security Forces
Slow Thaw: Testing Possibilities for Cooperation with Iran after a Nuclear Deal
Military Compensation and Retirement Modernization: A Primer
Arctic 2015 and Beyond: A Strategy for US Leadership in the High North
How This Ends: A Blueprint for De-Escalation in Syria
Autonomous Weapon Systems at the United Nations
Charting the Course: Directions for the New NATO Secretary General
Bringing Liberty Online
Seizing the Modi Moment
Bringing the Fight Back Home: Western Foreign Fighters in Iraq and Syria
Removing the Barriers: Prospects for Sanctions Relief Under a Final Nuclear Deal with Iran
A Summer Calendar for Advancing US Policy toward the South China Sea
Beyond the QDR
Opportunities for American Influence in a Changing Middle East
Gambling with Ground Forces
The Arctic’s Changing Landscape
Emerging Arctic Security Challenges
Securing the Grid: Opportunities and Risks in Operational Technology
Charting the Contours of Asia’s Megatrends
The Enduring Need for Electronic Attack in Air Operations
After the Awakening: Future Security Trends in the Middle East
National Coastal Ocean Mapping
Needs Assessment: Veterans in the Western United States
Inflection Point: Requirements for an Enduring Diplomatic Solution to the Iranian Nuclear Challenge
Expanding the Net: Building Mental Health Care Capacity for Veterans
NATO Matters: Ensuring the Value of the Alliance for the United States
The Great Unwinding: Iranian Nuclear Negotiations and Principles for Sanctions Relief
Japan Approaches Takeoff
Syria's Hard Landing
Active Cyber Defense: A Framework for Policymakers
Renewing the Project Bioshield Act
Revitalizing the Partnership - The United States and Iraq a Year after Withdrawal
Beyond Fukushima: A Joint Agenda for US-Japanese Disaster Management
Countdown to Sequestration: Why American Leaders Could Jump Off the Fiscal Cliff
Asad Under Fire: Five Scenarios for the Future of Syria
Sentries in the Sky
Security at Sea
Down Payment: Defense Guidance, 2013 Defense Budget and the Risks of Sequestration
Pressure Not War: A Pragmatic and Principled Policy Towards Syria
The Next Fight: Time for a Change of Mission in Afghanistan
Losing the Battle
Blinded: The Decline of US Earth Monitoring Capabilities and Its Consequences for National Security
Security Through Partnership
Forging a Libya Strategy
Extreme Crises: Reassessing US Preparedness After Japan
The Sacrifice Ahead
America's Duty: The Imperative of a New Approach to Warrior and Veteran Care
Afghanistan’s Willing Entrepreneurs
Eye to the Future - Refocusing State Department Policy Planning
Rebuilding Diplomacy - A Survey of Past Calls for State Department Transformation
Cornerstone: A Future Agenda for the US-Japan Alliance
The Economic Imperative: Stabilizing Afghanistan Through Economic Growth
Vision Meets Reality: 2010 QDR and 2011 Defense Budget
The Burden
Learning From Experience: Lessons From the QDR for the QDDR
Engaging the Private Sector for the Public Good: The Power of Network Diplomacy
Afghanistan Strategy on Stage: Five Key Questions for the Administration
Smart Defense Acquisition: Learning from French Procurement Reform
Taiwan’s Gamble: The Cross-Strait Rapprochement and its Implications for US Policy
On the Knife's Edge
Afghanistan 2011: Three Scenarios
A Pathway to Success in Afghanistan: The National Solidarity Program
Tell Me Why We're There? Enduring Interests in Afghanistan (and Pakistan)
The Case for Game-Changing Diplomacy with Iran
Strategic Questions for Generals Petraeus and Odierno
US-South Korea Relations: Rekindling an Alliance Flame
The Case for Conditional Engagement in Iraq
Clout and Climate Change Materials Generated from the War Game
Measuring Progress In Iraq
Enduring US Interests in Iraq: The Three No’s
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