Introduction: Cyber Security between Socio-Technological Uncertainty and Political Fragmentation

Introduction: Cyber Security between Socio-Technological Uncertainty and Political Fragmentation

Author(s): Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Andreas Wenger
Book Title: Cyber Security Politics: Socio-Technological Transformations and Political Fragmentation
Pages: 1-13
Publisher(s): Routledge
Publication Year: 2022

In this introductory chapter for their edited volume covering cyber security politics, CSS' Myriam Dunn Cavelty and CSS director Andreas Wenger take a closer look at the current landscape of cyber security and its challenging nature, marked by socio-technical uncertainties and political fragmentation. They discuss the objective and structure of the edited volume, taking a critical look into the co-dependency and co-shaping of technology and politics, that make up an integral part of cyber security.