Cyber Uncertainties: Observations from Cross-national War Games

Cyber Uncertainties: Observations from Cross-national War Games

Author(s): Miguel Alberto Gomez, Christopher Whyte
Book Title: Cyber Security Politics: Socio-​Technological Transformations and Political Fragmentation
Pages: 111-127
Publisher(s): Routledge
Publication Year: 2022

Evidence suggests that operations in cyberspace are employed alongside established instruments of foreign policy, thus moving away from the notion of the revolutionary potential of cyberspace. Therefore, it is crucial for us to understand the motivations and processes that facilitate decisions to operate in cyberspace. In their contribution to this edited volume, CSS' Miguel Alberto Gomez and Christopher Whyte discuss the outcome of pseudo-experimental war games conducted with policy, military, and technical elites designed to better understand the significance of decision-maker priors and situational context on key concepts such as “red lines”, attribution, and escalation.