The Future of (Offensive) Cyberwar in Asia in 2018

The Future of (Offensive) Cyberwar in Asia in 2018

Author(s): Miguel Alberto Gomez
Journal Title: IAPS Dialogue
Publisher(s): Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies, University of Nottingham
Publication Year: 2018

Since the Russian cyber operation against Estonia in 2007, the notion of using cyberspace to render states defenceless has proven to be less consequential than initially thought. While one cannot deny its increasing role as a complement to existing foreign policy instruments, the implications of its use requires further scrutiny. Although the study of cyber security has become closely enmeshed with western actors (i.e. Europe, the Americas, and Russia), Asia is an equally relevant proponent. This is particularly true as interstate cyber exchanges within the region are coloured by persistent and salient disputes between rivals. Consequently, this analysis provides a brief background of key actors within Asia and what to expect with respect to cyber operations and their consequences in the foreseeable future.