Russia as an Energy Power between Europe, the Middle East, and Asia

Russia as an Energy Power between Europe, the Middle East, and Asia

Author(s): Robert Orttung
Journal Title: PONARS Eurasia Policy Memo
Issue: 83
Publisher(s): PONARS Eurasia
Publication Year: 2009

In May 2009, Russia's National Security Strategy discussed energy for the first time, outlining the country's opportunities and challenges in the international energy market within the framework of broader security issues. Russia's opportunities include further development of sales to the European market, opening the Asian market, and using the profits from energy sales to develop a more diversified domestic economy, one that is no longer heavily dependent upon the sale of fossil fuels. The challenges for Russia include potential natural gas sales from the Middle East that could reduce Russia's market share in Europe, China's growing influence, and the potential for reduced European demand due to unconventional sources of fossil fuels and new energy efficiency and alternative energy technologies. In this environment, Russia must make a number of strategic investments simply to maintain its current position in the world energy system.