Russia's National Security Strategy to 2020

Russia's National Security Strategy to 2020

Author(s): Hans-Henning Schröder
Editor(s): Matthias Neumann, Robert Orttung, Jeronim Perovic, Heiko Pleines, Hans-Henning Schröder
Series: Russian Analytical Digest (RAD)
Issue: 62
Pages: 6-10
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich; Research Centre for East European Studies, University of Bremen
Publication Year: 2009

The Russian leadership presented a new national security strategy in May 2009. This document is intended to define an officially recognized system of strategic priorities and measures in the area of domestic and foreign policy that will ensure long-term national security and guarantee the sustainable development of the state. The role of Russia as a major power is defined confidently in the new strategy paper. As a key subject in the evolving multipolar system of international relations, Russia aims to play a dominant role together with the US, China, and other great powers. On the other hand, the authors of the Strategy 2020 have failed to formulate a convincing threat picture. Classic Soviet-era threat perceptions are loosely juxtaposed with notions relating to the risks associated with globalization. From this, certain inferences may be drawn as to the assertiveness of President Dmitry Medvedev's administration. The president and his team have not managed to maintain control of the discussion on the security policy concept and to integrate the positions of the agencies involved into a coherent line of argumentation. Nevertheless, the Strategy 2020 assigns a high priority to economic development - evidence that Medvedev and Vladimir Putin are realistic in their assessment of the status quo in Russia. Only an increase in economic output will give Russia the means to substantiate its claim to great power status. Medvedev succinctly summarized this approach in his presentation of the Strategy 2020 by summing it up with the formula Security Through Development.