South Caucasus Countries Can Benefit from Alternative Energy Development

South Caucasus Countries Can Benefit from Alternative Energy Development

Author(s): Manana Kochladze
Editor(s): Lili Di Puppo, Iris Kempe, Matthias Neumann, Robert Orttung, Jeronim Perovic
Series: Caucasus Analytical Digest (CAD)
Issue: 3
Pages: 9-12
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich; Jefferson Institute, Washington D.C.; Heinrich Böll Foundation, Tbilisi; Research Centre for East European Studies, University of Bremen
Publication Year: 2009

The three South Caucasus countries have extensive alternative energy potential that they are not currently utilizing. Instead, outside powers have reinforced a focus on traditional sources of energy, particularly oil and gas. Current obstacles to developing the region's renewable energy potential include a lack of coherent policies and legislation, insufficient financing mechanisms, and the public's poor understanding of the benefits of renewable sources. Focusing on developing decentralized, environmentally-sustainable sources of energy could help alleviate poverty in rural areas and promote greater energy security.