China, the US, and World Order

China, the US, and World Order

Author(s): Jack Thompson
Editor(s): Michael Haas, Oliver Thränert
Series Editor(s): Andreas Wenger
Book Title: Strategic Trends 2020: Key Developments in Global Affairs
Series: Strategic Trends
Pages: 7-29
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2020
Publication Place: Zurich

US-Chinese rivalry is becoming the prime mover of global affairs. Though the long-term trajectory of this critical relationship is uncertain, several salient factors are already apparent: pernicious variations of nationalism on both sides; foreign policies that are increasingly shaped by domestic problems; and a growing tendency to allow expectations of future competition to drive the development of grand strategy. If current trends continue, the dynamics of the US-China relationship will further imperil the rules-based international order, with far-reaching consequences well beyond East Asia.


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GDP Based on PPP and GDP Per Capita Based on PPP
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Security, Political & Economic Competition
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Internal Challenges