Russia as a Challenger of the West

Russia as a Challenger of the West

Author(s): Jonas Grätz
Editor(s): Oliver Thränert, Martin Zapfe
Series Editor(s): Andreas Wenger
Book Title: Strategic Trends 2014: Key Developments in Global Affairs
Series: Strategic Trends
Pages: 11-30
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2014
Publication Place: Zurich

Recent years have seen the rise of an uncompromising, confrontational Russia. Anti-Western and imperialist tenets have been strengthened. This development is driven by the regime’s weakness, isolation, and insecurity. From Syria to Ukraine, Russia mostly acts as a spoiler, exploiting the West’s divisions, while offering few solutions of its own. Despite its fragile power base, Russia’s regime is here to stay for the foreseeable future. Western leaders will thus have to learn to cope with this new reality.