Russia’s Renaissance in the Arab World

Russia’s Renaissance in the Arab World

Author(s): Lisa Watanabe
Editor(s): Jack Thompson, Oliver Thränert
Series Editor(s): Andreas Wenger
Book Title: Strategic Trends 2019: Key Developments in Global Affairs
Series: Strategic Trends
Pages: 65-82
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2019
Publication Place: Zurich

In this Strategic Trends chapter, Lisa Watanabe looks at Russia’s re-emergence as a power broker in the Middle East and North Africa, with a focus on countries of particular interest to Europe when it comes to security issues, economic ties, and immigration. Partly by reviving ties from the Soviet era, and by shrewdly embracing a pragmatic, opportunistic approach, Moscow is bolstering its influence in Syria, Egypt, Libya, and Algeria. With the possible exception of Syria, Russia is not displacing the United States or European powers. Rather, by increasing its sway in a key region, Russia’s approach to the Arab world is another way of solidifying its status as a great power.


Enlarged view:
Russia´s Trade Turnover with the MENA Region
Enlarged view:
Russia as an Arms Supplier: Algeria and Egypt
Enlarged view:
Top 5 Trading Partners of Algeria and Egypt
Enlarged view:
Russia´s Engagement in Libya: Mid-2014 to 2018