
The Center for Global Development (CGD) is an independent, non-profit think tank that works to reduce global poverty and inequality by encouraging policy change in the US and other rich countries through rigorous research and active engagement with the policy community. The CGD Notes include documents on a broad variety of topics in tune with the Center for Global Development's mandate. Among others, the topics cover issues on global health, education, development aid, integration, trade as well as employment.

Publishers: Center for Global Development (CGD)
Publications: Regional and Sub-National Compact Considerations for the Millennium Challenge Corporation
AGOA’s Final Frontier
Assessing Performance-Based Payments for Forest Conservation
Maximizing Access to Energy
An Introduction to Cash on Delivery Aid for Funders
US Development Assistance to Pakistan: 2014 and Beyond
White House Should Explicitly Ban Intelligence Involvement in Public Health Campaigns
Why Is Opening the US Market to Poor Countries So Hard?
Global Stakes: Potential Agricultural Productivity Losses from Full Exploitation of Canada’s Oil Sands
Identifying a Fair Deal on Climate Change
MDG Progress Index 2011
Measuring Impact: Lessons from the MCC for the Broader Impact Evaluation Community
US Trade Policy: Don’t Leave Poor Countries Behind
Promoting Universal Transparency in Extractive Industries
Changing Rules of Origin to Improve Market Access for Least Developed Countries
Twenty Concrete Steps to Improve the United States' Commitment to Development
Stimulating Pakistani Exports and Job Creation
Arson Alert: Philippines is Playing with Fire! Again!
Intellectual Property Rights and Climate Change
What’s on the Agenda in Global Health?
How to Unlock the $1 Trillion That Developing Countries Urgently Need to Cope with the Crisis
We Don’t Need No Education?
What’s Behind the Recent Declines in US Foreign Assistance?
"Can You Hear Me Now?"
A Little Less Talk: Six Steps to Get Some Action from the Accra Agenda
Integration in the Americas: One Idea for Plan B
Japan, China and Thailand Can Solve the Rice Crisis - But US Leadership Is Needed
US Development Assistance to Africa and to the World
PEPFAR Reauthorization: Improving Transparency in U.S. Funding for HIV/AIDS
A White House Focus on Social Justice in Latin America?
Will the Poor Be Flooded Out?
A Better Way Forward on Trade and Labor Standards
US Aid to Africa After the Midterm Elections? A “Surprise Party” Update
Saving the Doha Round Requires Further Cuts in U.S. Agricultural Support
Freetown to Hollywood: The Kimberley Process Takes on Africa’s 'Blood Diamonds'
China ExIm Bank and Africa: New Lending, New Challenges
Fixing International Financial Institutions
Africa's Investment Climate Facility
In World Bank Corruption Fight, Independent Evaluation is Key
Rich Country Tariffs and Subsidies: Let’s Do the Numbers
After Mugabe, Zimbabwe Will Need Post-Conflict Response
Food Aid: Doing Well by Doing Good
US Pledges of Aid to Africa
Grants for the World's Poorest
Gold for Debt: What's New and What Next?
Resolving Nigeria's Debt Through a Discounted Buyback
Making It Pay to Stay in School
No Child Left Behind - Anywhere
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