Diffusion of Technology: Myths and Realities

According to a growing consensus, globalization and advances in communication are promoting the diffusion of defense-industrial capabilities, thus eroding the established position of Western countries. The empirical evidence, however, suggests that even with newly available opportunities, including cyber espionage, the most advanced weapon systems remain very difficult to copy and replicate

by Carla Güntert
Der Jungfernflug der sowjetischen «Konkordski»
The maiden flight of the Soviet “Concordski” (Tupolev Tu-144 ) succeeded on 31 December 1968 – two months before the French Concorde. Viktor Korotayev / Reuters

To the CSS Analysis

A more detailed version of this publication was recently published in the journal "International Security" under the title external page"Why China Has Not Caught Up Yet: Military-Technological Superiority and the Limits of Imitation, Reverse Engineering, and Cyber Espionage".

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