Individual Disaster Preparedness: Explaining Disaster-related Information Seeking and Preparedness Behavior in Switzerland
In this CSS Risk and Resilience Report, Marco Käser, Linda Maduz, Tim Prior & Florian Roth investigate the drivers of information seeking and hazard preparedness behaviour in the German and French speaking parts of Switzerland. The results show that people appear to be seeking more information about risks and demonstrate higher levels of risk perception, but this does not necessarily correlate with increased knowledge about potential preparations or actual preparation.
Destroying Trust in Government: Effects of a Broken Pact among Colombian Ex-Combatants
Trust between conflict parties is a key element for sustainable peace after civil wars. But what happens to the trust between ex-combatants and the government when the latter reneges on a peace deal? This article by Joakim Kreutz and Enzo Nussio investigates the case of the Colombian government’s decision to extradite paramilitary leaders to the US in 2008, which constituted a clear reversal of the peace deal.