New Technologies for Border Controls in Europe

Rapidly increasing mobility, especially with regards to air traffic, poses new challenges for the border agencies in Europe, argues Julian Kamasa in this new CSS Analysis. New technologies may help to manage the movement of people and ensure security. As a Schengen member, Switzerland can benefit from these developments. However, a number of adaptations are required.

by Christoph Elhardt
Acht automatisierte Passkontrollschleusen können am Flughafen Zürich seit 2017 für die Einreise und seit 2018 deren fünf auch bei der Ausreise freiwillig genutzt werden. KAPO Zürich

One of the main purposes of the Schengen Area is to provide for open borders in Europe. Today, it encompasses all EU member states except the UK and Ireland, which continue to conduct border controls. Nevertheless, the UK makes use of the Schengen Information System (SIS). The EU members and future Schengen member states Bulgaria, Croatia, Romania, and Cyprus continue to implement border controls. Bulgaria and Romania have been making full use of the SIS since 2018. Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, and Switzerland are member states of the European Free Trade Association (EFTA). As such, they enjoy associate status in the Schengen Area and thus unlimited access to the SIS.

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