Confidence and security-building on the Korean Peninsula and the role of Switzerland
In time for the meeting of representatives of Poland, Sweden and Switzerland, member states of the Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) on the Korean Peninsula, for their annual consultations in Geneva, CSS’ Linda Maduz study on Confidence and security-building on the Korean Peninsula and the role of Switzerland is out. Participants in the meeting include delegations from foreign ministries of the three countries as well as the heads of their respective military missions.

Key points of the study:
- The study argues that Switzerland’s decades-long presence on the Korean Peninsula (as a member of the NNSC) and its extensive, global experience as a neutral mediator in peace processes, puts it in a good position to play a constructive role in this world region whose geopolitical relevance is rapidly growing.
- NNSC states, including Switzerland, have a wealth of knowledge and experience in the field of military confidence-building, which they can share in a future peace process. Through their long-term institutional relations to the Korean Peninsula, they are well-positioned to facilitate such a process.
- The study also suggests that Switzerland has an interest in actively promoting discussions on the future of the NNSC and its own possible role in a future peace management system on the Korean Peninsula.