Freiwillige in der Krise erfolgreich(er) einbinden: Handlungsempfehlungen für die lokale Verwaltung
This practice paper summarizes the findings of the HybOrg research project and uses its scientific results to derive concrete recommendations for action that should help to better coordinate local administrative action and civil society engagement in crises. The findings and recommendations are intended to also provide those responsible in the administration with practical decision-making support when dealing with the current COVID-19 pandemic.
To the publication (in German)
This practice paper presents findings from the research project «HybOrg - the emergence and social impact of hybrid organizations in local crisis management», a joint project of The Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz, the Geschwister-Scholl Institute for Political Science at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University (LMU) in Munich, and the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich.
Recommendations for action in brief
1. Design structures for the involvement of volunteers adaptively: The local administration should understand civil society engagement as a welcome addition in crises. To this end, the trusting cooperation with established aid and welfare organizations should be maintained. Local neighborhood and sports clubs should be put in direct contact with the responsible crisis managers through the respective officers for voluntary engagement. Unbound helpers should also be approached and coordinated with the help of volunteer coordinators.
2. Establish structures before the crisis and maintain them in the long term: In order to effectively involve different types of volunteers, it is necessary to develop structures and processes that are sustainable over the long term. These structures and processes must also be maintained in times of non-crisis.
3. Effective and appreciative communication with volunteers: Volunteers form an important subgroup of the population that must be specifically addressed in the official risk and crisis communication. They can not only relieve the state actors, but also pass on their experience as multipliers. The decisive factor is appreciative communication based on established guidelines for risk and crisis communication.
4. Professional and suitable care offers: Due to the stresses that take effect in crises, there is a need for institutionalized, professional and tailor-made care offers for voluntary helpers. The administration should seek direct contact with volunteers and thus remove obstacles in use, so that these offers do not bypass the needs on site.