Inviting the Elephant into the Room: Culturally Oriented Mediation and Peace Practice
For a long time, peacebuilding has focused on international actors building social cohesion in mostly non-Western countries following violent conflict, rather than thinking about problems at home. Yet structural inequalities exist throughout the world and conflicts are one result of this. Katrina Abatis’ CSS Mediation Resources focuses on the UK where growing polarization threatens to undermine past social integration strategies and the population increasingly questions established institutions.
Contemporary Christian Nationalism in the US
The disputed presidential election in 2020, culminating in a mob storming the Capitol, poses challenges for US democracy, argue Cora Alder and Emanuel Schäublin in this CSS Analysis. In a polarized society, an increasingly confrontational version of Christian nationalism gains support among mostly white Americans who oppose efforts to address racial injustice and gender inequality.
COVID-19: Germany Rethinks Civil Protection
Coordination at the national level is key to managing complex crises. In many countries, the COVID-19 pandemic showed a lack of coordination. To address this shortcoming, Germany plans to reform its crisis response authorities. This includes creating a Joint Competence Center for Civil Protection. Other countries could use this as a source of inspiration for reassessing their own crisis management systems, argues Benjamin Scharte in this CSS Analysis.
Cyber Ceasefires: Incorporating Restraints on Offensive Cyber Operations in Agreements to Stop Armed Conflict
Despite the increased use of offensive cyber capabilities in armed conflict, no guidance currently exists for peace practitioners on if, or how, peace processes may need to evolve with this trend. This CSS Mediation Resources represents one of the first attempts to address this gap, focusing specifically on how developments in offensive cyber capabilities might impact efforts to negotiate and implement ceasefires. It also sets out and analyzes possible adaptations and responses.
Peace Agreements and Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR): Insights from the Central African Republic and Libya
Based on first-hand field experience with the UN in Africa, this CSS Mediation Resources by Silke Rusch analyzes how third parties engage armed groups in the negotiation and implementation of peace agreements with DDR provisions. A specific focus lies on this question in extremely fragile contexts, like the Central African Republic and Libya, where the state’s institutions are weak and non-state armed groups control large territories and natural resources. The study also explores ways forward.