Cyber Security Politics: Socio-Technological Transformations and Political Fragmentation

This CSS Studies in Security and International Relations edited volume by Myriam Dunn Cavelty and Andreas Wenger examines new and challenging political aspects of cyber security and presents it as an issue defined by socio-technological uncertainty and political fragmentation.

cyber security politics

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The CSS Studies in Security and International Relations series examines historical and contemporary aspects of security and conflict. The series provides a forum for new research based upon an expanded conception of security and will include monographs by the Center’s research staff and associated academic partners.

The first part of this edited volume looks at the current use of cyber space in conflictual settings, while the second focuses on political responses by state and non-state actors in an environment defined by uncertainties. Within this, it highlights four key debates that encapsulate the complexities and paradoxes of cyber security politics from a Western perspective. This book will be of much interest to students of cyber security, global governance, technology studies, and international relations.


Chapter 1: Introduction: Cyber security between socio-technological uncertainty and political fragmentation

By Myriam Dunn Cavelty and Andreas Wenger

Part I | Socio-technical transformations and cyber conflict trends

Chapter 2: Influence operations and other conflict trends

By Marie Baezner and Sean Cordey

Chapter 3: A threat to democracies?: An overview of theoretical approaches and empirical measurements for studying the effects of disinformation

By Wolf J. Schünemann

Chapter 4: Cultural violence and fragmentation on social media: Interventions and countermeasures by humans and social bots

By Jasmin Haunschild, Marc-André Kaufhold and Christian Reuter

Chapter 5: Artificial intelligence and the offense–defense balance in cyber security

By Matteo E. Bonfanti

Chapter 6: Quantum computing and classical politics: The ambiguity of advantage in signals intelligence

By Jon R. Lindsay

Chapter 7: Cyberspace in space: Fragmentation, vulnerability, and uncertainty

By Johan Eriksson and Giampiero Giacomello

Part II | Political responses in a complex environment

Chapter 8: Cyber uncertainties: Observations from cross-national war games

By Miguel Alberto Gomez and Christopher Whyte

Chapter 9: Uncertainty and the study of cyber deterrence: The case of Israel's limited reliance on cyber deterrence

By Amir Lupovici

Chapter 10: Cyber securities and cyber security politics: Understanding different logics of German cyber security policies

By Stefan Steiger

Chapter 11: Battling the bear: Ukraine's approach to national cyber and information security

By Aaron Brantly

Chapter 12: Uncertainty, fragmentation, and international obligations as shaping influences: Cyber security policy development in Albania

By Islam Jusufi

Chapter 13: Big tech's push for norms to tackle uncertainty in cyberspace

By Jacqueline Eggenschwiler

Chapter 14: Disrupting the second oldest profession: The impact of cyber on intelligence

By Danny Steed

Chapter 15: Understanding transnational cyber attribution: Moving from “whodunit” to who did it

By Brenden Kuerbis, Farzaneh Badiei, Karl Grindal and Milton Mueller

Chapter 16: Conclusion: The ambiguity of cyber security politics in the context of multidimensional uncertainty

By Andreas Wenger and Myriam Dunn Cavelty