Dr. Max Smeets

Max Smeets

IFW A 45.2
Haldeneggsteig 4
8092 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 632 83 45
Mail: max.smeets@sipo.gess.ethz.ch

Max Smeets is a Senior Researcher at the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich and Co-Director of Virtual Routes. He is the author of ‘Ransom War: How Cyber Crime became a Threat to National Security (Oxford University Press & Hurst Publishers, 2025) and 'No Shortcuts: Why States Struggle to Develop a Military Cyber- Force’ (Oxford University Press & Hurst Publishers, 2022). He is also the co-editor of ‘Deter, Disrupt or Deceive? Assessing Cyber Conflict as an Intelligence Contest’ (Georgetown University Press, 2023) and 'Cyberspace and Instability' (Edinburgh University Press, 2023).

Max is an affiliate at Stanford University’s Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) and an associate fellow at Royal United Services Institute (RUSI). Additionally, he serves as the Co-Founder and Managing Editor of Binding Hook, a media outlet on technology and security part of Virtual Routes.

He was previously a postdoctoral fellow and lecturer at Stanford University CISAC and a College Lecturer at Keble College, University of Oxford. He has also held research and fellowship positions at New America, Columbia University SIPA, Sciences Po CERI, and NATO CCD COE. Before his academic career, Max worked in finance in London and Amsterdam.

Max received a BA in Economics, Politics and Statistics from University College Roosevelt, Utrecht University and an MPhil (Brasenose College) and DPhil (St. John’s College) in International Relations from the University of Oxford.

Selected Publications


Max Smeets, Ransom War: How Cyber Crime became a Threat to National Security”, Oxford University Press, 2025, external page Ransom War: How Cyber Crime Became a Threat to National Security : Smeets, Max: Amazon.de: Books  

Chesney, Robert; Shires, James; Smeets, Max (eds.) (2023) 'Cyberspace and Instability', Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Chesney, Robert; Smeets, Max (eds.) (2023) 'Deter, Disrupt or Deceive? Assessing Cyber Conflict as an Intelligence Contest', Washington DC: Georgetown University Press.

external page Smeets, Max (2022) 'No Shortcuts: Why States Struggle to Develop a Military Cyber-Force', London: C Hurst & Co Publishers Ltd., Oxford University Press

Journal Articles

external page Makridis, Christos; Maschmeyer, Lennart; Smeets, Max (2024) 'If it bleeps it leads? Media coverage on cyber conflict and misperception', Journal of Peace Research, 61, 1: 72-86.

external page Smeets, Max (2023) 'The challenges of military adaptation to the cyber domain: a case study of the Netherlands', Small Wars & Insurgencies, 34, 7: 1343-1362.

external page Dunn Cavelty, Myriam; Smeets, Max (2023) 'Regulatory cybersecurity governance in the making: the formation of ENISA and its struggle for epistemic authority', Journal of European Public Policy.

external page Smeets, Max (2022) ‘A US history of not conducting cyber attacks’, Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 78, 4: 208-213.

external page Smeets, Max (2022) 'Cyber Arms Transfer: Meaning, Limits, and Implications', Security Studies, 31, 1: 65-91.

external page Egloff, Florian; Smeets, Max (2021) 'Publicly Attributing Cyber Attacks: A Framework', Journal of Strategic Studies.

external page Chesney, Robert; Smeets, Max (2020) 'The Dynamics of Cyber Conflict and Competition', Texas National Security Review 3, 4: 4-7.

external page Rovner, Joshua; Warner, Michael; Lindsay, Jon R.; Fischerkeller, Michael P.; Harknett, Richard J.; Kollars, Nina; Chesney, Robert; Smeets, Max (2020) 'Policy Roundtable: Cyber Conflict as an Intelligence Contest', Texas National Security Review, Special Issue: Cyber Competition.

external page Harknett, Richard J.; Smeets, Max (2020) 'Cyber Campaigns and Strategic Outcomes', Journal of Strategic Studies.

external page Smeets, Max (2020) 'U.S. Cyber Strategy of Persistent Engagement & Defend Forward: Implications for the Alliance and Intelligence Collection', Intelligence and National Security.

external page Herr, Trey; Laudrain, Arthur; Smeets, Max (2020) 'Mapping the Known Unknowns of Cybersecurity Education: A Review of Syllabi in Cyber Conflict and Security', Journal of Political Science Education 17, SUP1: 503-519.

external page Smeets, Max; Works, JD (2020) 'Operational Decision-​Making for Cyber Operations: In Search of a Model', The Cyber Defense Review 5, 1: 95-​112.

external page Makridis, Christos; Smeets, Max (2019) 'Determinants of Cyber Readiness', Journal of Cyber Policy 4, 1: 72-​89.

external page Smeets, Max (2018) 'The Strategic Value of Offensive Cyber Operations', Strategic Studies Quarterly 12, 3: 90-​113.

external page Smeets, Max (2018) 'Integrating Offensive Cyber Capabilities: Meaning, Dilemmas, and Assessment', Defence Studies 18, 4: 395-​410.

external page Smeets, Max (2018) 'A Matter of Time: On the Transitory Nature of Cyber Weapons', Journal of Strategic Studies 41, 1-2: 6-​32. *Awarded the 2018 Amos Perlmutter Prize

external page Scott-​Smith, Giles; Smeets, Max (2013) 'Noblesse Oblige: The Transatlantic Security Dynamic and Dutch Involvement in the Joint Strike Fighter Program', International Journal 68, 1: 49-​69.

Book Chapters

Brantly, Aaron; Smeets, Max, (2020), Military Operations in Cyberspace, Handbook of Military Sciences, Springer, external page Handbook of Military Sciences | SpringerLink

Bunk, Joost; Smeets, Max, (2021), Dutch Cyber Security Strategy, Routledge Companion to Global Cyber-Security Strategy, Routledge, external page Routledge Companion to Global Cyber-Security Strategy - 1st Edition –

Soesanto, Stefan; Smeets, Max (2020), Cyber Deterrence: The Past, Present, and Future, NL ARMS Netherlands Annual Review of Military Studies 2020, external page Cyber Deterrence: The Past, Present, and Future | SpringerLink

external page Lin, Herbert; Smeets, Max (2019) 'A Strategic Assessment of the U.S. Cyber Command Vision', in: Lin, Herbert; Zegart, Amy (eds.) Bytes, Bombs, and Spies: The Strategic Dimensions of Offensive Cyber Operations, Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 81-​104


external page Makridis, Christos, Maschmeyer, Lennart; Smeets, Max (2024) 'Understanding patterns of cyber conflict coverage in media', Binding Hook.

external page Smeets, Max, (2023) ‘The magic of sophisticated cyber attacks,’ Binding Hook.

external page Shires, James; Smeets, Max, (2023) 'Introducing Binding Hook', Binding Hook.

external page Grossman, Taylor; Kaminska, Monica; Shires, James; Smeets, Max (2023) 'The Cyber Dimensions of the Russia-Ukraine War', European Cyber Conflict Research Initiative, 1-36.

external page Smeets, Max (2022) 'Why NATO Countries Don’t Share Cyber Weapons', The National Interest.

external page Smeets, Max (2022) ‘AI Will Be a Double-Edged Sword in Future Cyber Conflicts', The National Interest.

external page Smeets, Max; Achberger, Brita (2022) ‘Cyber hacktivists are busy undermining Putin’s invasion', The Washington Post: The Monkey Cage.

external page Smeets, Max (2022) ‘Hack Global, Buy Local: The Inefficiencies of the Zero-Day Exploit Market’, Lawfare.

external page Smeets, Max (2022) ‘The Risks of Managing a Purchased Cyber Arsenal’, Council on Foreign Relations: Net Politics.

external page Smeets, Max (2022) ‘We Buy and Sell: The Public Advertisement of Zero-Day Exploits’, The Alert.

external page Smeets, Max (2022) 'Building a Cyber Force Is Even Harder Than You Thought', War on the Rocks.

external page Smeets, Max (2022) 'Going the Extra Mile: What It Takes to Be a Responsible Cyber Power', Lawfare.

external page Achberger, Brita; Smeets, Max (2022) 'The Opportunities and Challenges of Military Cyber Exercises', Council on Foreign Relations: Net Politics.

external page Chesney, Robert; Smeets, Max (2020) 'Intervention: Exploring Cyber Conflict and Competition', War on the Rocks.

external page Smeets, Max; Soesanto, Stefan (2020) 'Cyber Deterrence Is Dead: Long Live Cyber Deterrence!', Council on Foreign Relations: Net Politics.

external page Smeets, Max (2019) 'Cyber Command’s Strategy Risks Friction With Allies', Lawfare.

external page Smeets, Max (2019) 'There are too many Red Lines in Cyberspace', Lawfare.

external page Smeets, Max (2019) 'NATO Allies Need to Come to Terms With Offensive Cyber Operations', Lawfare.

external page Lin, Herb; Smeets, Max (2018) 'What Is Absent From the U.S. Cyber Command 'Vision'', Lawfare.

external page Smeets, Max (2018) 'The Netherlands Just Revealed its Cybercapacity. So What Does That Mean?', Washington Post.

external page Smeets, Max; Moore, Daniel (2018) 'Why We Are Unconvinced NATO’s Cyber Policy Is More Aggressive, and That’s a Good Thing', Council on Foreign Relations.

external page Smeets, Max; Grigsby, Alex (2018) 'What Did the 2018 NATO Summit Accomplish With Respect to Cyber Issues?', Council on Foreign Relations.

external page Smeets, Max (2017) 'When Routine Isn’t Enough: Why Military Cyber Commands Need Creativity at the Human Level', War on the Rocks.

external page Shires, James; Smeets, Max (2017) 'The Word Cyber Now Means Everything – and Nothing at All', Slate.

external page Smeets, Max (2017) 'Europe Slowly Starts to Talk More Openly about Offensive Cyber Operations', Council on Foreign Relations: Net Politics.

Reports and Conference Articles

external page Grossman, Taylor; Kaminska, Monica; Shires, James; Smeets, Max (2023) 'The Cyber Dimensions of the Russia-Ukraine War', European Cyber Conflict Research Initiative Report, April 2023, 1-36.

external page Shires, James; Kaminska, Monica; Smeets, Max, (2022) ‘Cyber Operations during the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine: Lessons Learned (so far)’, European Cyber Conflict Research Initiative Report, July 6, 1-12.

external page Gilli, Andrea; Gilli, Mauro; Grgić, Gorana; Henke, Marina; Lanoszka, Alexander; Meijer, Hugo; Scaglioli, Lucrezia; Silove, Nina; Simón, Luis; Smeets, Max (2022) ‘Strategic Shifts and NATO’s new Strategic Concept', NATO Defence College Research Paper 24.

Smeets, Max (2022) ‘What it Takes to Develop a Military Cyber-Force', CSS Policy Perspectives 10, 7.

external page Smeets, Max (2022) ‘The Role of Military Cyber Exercises: A Case Study of Locked Shields’, Tallinn: CyCon, NATO CCD COE Publications.

external page Smeets, Max (2019) '‘NATO Members’ Organizational Path Towards Conducting Offensive Cyber Operations: A Framework for Analysis', Tallinn: CyCon, NATO CCD COE Publications.

external page Gorwa, Robert; Smeets, Max (2019) 'Cyber Conflict in Political Science: A Review of Methods and Literature', Toronto: ISA Annual Convention.

external page Lin, Herbert; Smeets, Max (2018) 'Offensive Cyber Capabilities: To What Ends?', in: Minárik, Tomáš; Jakschis, Raik; Lindström, Lauri (eds.) 10th International Conference on Cyber Conflict (CyCon), Tallinn: NATO CCD COE Publications.

external page Herr, Trey; Morgus, Robert; Smeets, Max (2017) 'Countering the Proliferation of Offensive Cyber Capabilities', in: The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies (ed.) GCSC Issue Brief 1: Briefings and Memos from the Research Advisory Group, The Hague: Global Commission on the Stability of Cyberspace, 161-187.

external page Healey, Jason; Smeets, Max (2017) 'The Continuities and Discontinuities of Cyber History', in: Canfil,Justin Key; Healey,Jason (eds.) State of the Field Report on Cyber Conflict 2017, Vienna, Virginia: Cyber Conflict Studies Association, 1-10.