Edited Volumes

Deter, Disrupt, or Deceive: Assessing Cyber Conflict as an Intelligence Contest

Deter, Disrupt, or Deceive: Assessing Cyber Conflict as an Intelligence Contest

Author(s): Robert Chesney, Max Smeets, Amy Zegart, Joshua Rovner, Michael Warner, Jon R. Lindsay, Lennart Maschmeyer, Michael Fischkeller, Richard Harknett, Steven Loleski, Lyu Jinghua, Ciaran Martin, JD Work, Nina A. Kollars
Editor(s): Robert Chesney, Max Smeets
Publisher(s): Georgetown University Press
Publication Year: 2023

The Future of European Strategy in a Changing Geopolitical Environment: Challenges and Prospects 2021

The Future of European Strategy in a Changing Geopolitical Environment: Challenges and Prospects 2021

Author(s): Shaun Breslin, Barry R. Posen, Max Smeets, Monika Sus, Daniel Fiott, Brian G. Carlson, Trineke Palm, Jack Thompson, Paul van Hooft, Michiel Foulon, Henrik Larsen, David Criekemans, Sven Biscop
Editor(s): Michiel Foulon, Jack Thompson
Series: HCSS Forum
Publisher(s): The Hague Centre for Strategic Studies
Publication Year: 2021

Deterrence by Denial: Theory and Practice

Deterrence by Denial: Theory and Practice

Author(s): Andreas Wenger, Alex Wilner, Dmitry Adamsky, Janice Stein, Ron Levi, Martin Libicki, Patrick Morgan, John Sawyer, Jonathan Trexel, James Wirtz
Editor(s): Andreas Wenger, Alex Wilner
Series: Rapid Communications in Conflict and Security (RCCS)
Publisher(s): Cambria Press
Publication Year: 2021

The Politics and Science of Prevision

The Politics and Science of Prevision

Author(s): Andreas Wenger, Ursula Jasper, Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Sheila Jasanoff, Gunther Hellman, Michael Horowitz, Francis Gavin, Maria Carmen Lemos, Nicole Klenk, Stephen Nelson, Peter Katzenstein, Filippa Lentzos, Jean-Baptiste Gouyon, Brian Balmer, Corinne Bara, Jonas Schneider, Matthias Leese
Editor(s): Andreas Wenger, Ursula Jasper, Myriam Dunn Cavelty
Series: CSS Studies in Security and International Relations
Publisher(s): Routledge
Publication Year: 2020

Technology and Agency in International Relations

Technology and Agency in International Relations

Author(s): Matthias Leese, Marijn Hoijtink, Katja Lindskov Jacobsen, Linda Monsees, Philipp Olbrich, Alex Edney-Browne, Malcolm Campbell-Verduyn, Mareile Kaufmann, Georgios Glouftsios, Aradau, Claudia
Editor(s): Marijn Hoijtink, Matthias Leese
Series: Emerging Technologies, Ethics and International Affairs
Publisher(s): Routledge
Publication Year: 2019