Mediation and Peace Promotion
The vision of the mediation theme the Center for Security Studies is to contribute to more effective peace processes and thus a more peaceful and secure world. Our work aims to create platforms for dialogue, negotiation, and mediation to address violent political conflicts. By conducting conflict-sensitive and participatory research, directly supporting peace processes, and training practitioners and policy makers in mediation, negotiation, and peace promotion, we bridge evidence-based research and peace practice to confront escalating violence around the world.

Areas of expertise
As an international learning hub, the Center for Security Studies at ETH Zürich is uniquely suited to contribute to effective peace processes by developing peace mediation and negotiation knowledge, skills, and networks. We have specific expertise in:
Mediation and negotiation methodology, including conflict analysis, process design, mediation skills, and diverse pedagogical approaches to learning them.
Ceasefires, security arrangements, and their linkages in peace processes; co-designing effective political processes linking ceasefires with sustainable political solutions.
Technological interactions with mediation and peace promotion activities, facilitating dialogue on how different forms of governance shape the deployment of new technologies and vice versa.
Religion, value systems, culture, and how these elements influence conflict and its transformation.
Inclusivity and sustainability
Supporting local/insider mediation and developing mediation and peacebuilder networks, amplifying voices of researchers and practitioners from politically excluded or marginalized communities, and developing and using intersectional analyses.
Principles and methods
We work by keeping the following principles in mind:
Reflective practice
Convening dialogue and negotiations on an equal footing, also including actors embedded in different worldview and value-systems.
In collaboration with others
we work closely with the external page Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, the external page Federal Foreign Office of Germany, the external page Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, the external page United Nations, the external page European Union, external page swisspeace, the external page Cordoba Peace Institute, the external page Mediation Support Network, and the external page Swiss Women in Peace Processes Network. We believe that only in collaborating with others can we work towards our vision.
Current publications on Mediation and Peace Promotion

Ceasefire Project Country Reports: Liberia
Author(s): Boas Lieberherr
Editor(s): Govinda Clayton, Siri Aas Rustad, Håvard Mokleiv Nygård, Håvard Strand
Series: Ceasefire Project Country Reports
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich; Peace Research Institute Oslo
Publication Year: 2020

Ceasefire Project Country Reports: Somalia
Author(s): Rafaela Catena
Editor(s): Govinda Clayton, Siri Aas Rustad, Håvard Mokleiv Nygård, Håvard Strand
Series: Ceasefire Project Country Reports
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich; Peace Research Institute Oslo
Publication Year: 2020

No. 259: Ukraine: The Religious Dimension of the Conflict
Author(s): Cora Alder, Palwasha Kakar, Leslie Minney
Editor(s): Benno Zogg
Series: CSS Analyses in Security Policy
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2020