Software Supply Chain Attacks: An Illustrated Typological Review
Due to their heightened relevance in the current security discourse, their potential destructive and strategic effects, and their increased use by malicious actors (state-linked and criminal), software supply chain attacks are the focus of this CSS Cyberdefense Report by Sean Cordey. The overarching aim of this report is to provide an illustrative overview of software supply chain attacks and to raise awareness of the types of attacks, their uses, and their potential impacts.
Master of Advanced Studies ETH Mediation in Peace Processes
The application period for the next cycle of the Master of Advanced Studies ETH Mediation in Peace Processes (MAS ETH MPP) is now open. Launched in 2017, the MAS ETH MPP is a globally unique two-year program focused specifically on mediation in peace processes. The MAS ETH MPP is built on a close partnership between ETH Zürich, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the foreign ministries of Germany and Finland.
Navigating Stormy Seas in US-China Relations
The US-China rivalry continues to intensify as Xi Jinping enters his third term. The United States, working with allies, should aim both to strengthen its competitive position and to stabilize the relationship, argues Brian G. Carlson in this CSS Policy Perspective.