Master of Advanced Studies ETH Mediation in Peace Processes

The application period for the next cycle of the Master of Advanced Studies ETH Mediation in Peace Processes (MAS ETH MPP) is now open. Launched in 2017, the MAS ETH MPP is a globally unique two-year program focused specifically on mediation in peace processes. The MAS ETH MPP is built on a close partnership between ETH Zürich, the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) and the foreign ministries of Germany and Finland.


APPLY NOW! The application period is now open for the programme’s next cycle starting at the end of October 2023. You can find the dates of the 2023-​2025 program cycle here.

The application deadline is July 31, 2023. For more information, check the application page.

The MAS ETH MPP is aimed at future mediators. It is therefore important to note that this course does not target conflict parties who want to learn how to negotiate. The target audience is people who already work as mediators in peace processes or have the interest and potential to become such mediators and are being offered by their respective employers to pursue such a path in future. While not a strict rule, the guiding target age range of potential candidates should be ideally between 30 and 45 years. 

This training will imply serious investment of time and resources. The participants will follow six modules of a total of 15 weeks at ETH in Zurich (in blocks of 2-3 weeks). In addition, they will need time to read and work on two written papers when back in their respective countries of origin. Although the course allows participants to continue working in their respective positions throughout the duration of the course, the employer will have to show flexibility regarding frequent absences of the MAS MPP participants. Participation in all modules is mandatory.

A limited number of scholarships will be available for participants from non-​OECD countries. The deadline for scholarship applications is April 9, 2023. For further information on the scholarships, please see: You can submit a scholarship application here.

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More information on the MAS ETH MPP here

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