Bulletin 2014 on Swiss Security Policy

Bulletin 2014 on Swiss Security Policy

Author(s): Stephen Aris, Matthias Bieri, Cécile Druey, Michel Herzog, Anna Hess, Christian Nünlist, Livio Pigoni, Tim Prior, Aglaya Snetknov, Oliver Thränert
Editor(s): Christian Nünlist, Oliver Thränert
Series Editor(s): Andreas Wenger
Series: Bulletin on Swiss Security Policy
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2014

The yearbook «Bulletin on Swiss Security Policy» (in German) in late 2014 discusses the role of Swiss police in international peacekeeping missions, the contribution of the Swiss OSCE Chairmanship to stabilize the Ukraine crisis, Switzerland’s peace policy in the Southern Caucasus and security aspects of «Big Data». It also includes an interview with the Chief of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General André Blattmann, on the current reform of the Swiss Armed Forces.