Pandemievorbereitung in der Schweiz: Krisenvorsorge als laufender Lernprozess

Pandemievorbereitung in der Schweiz: Krisenvorsorge als laufender Lernprozess

Author(s): Andreas Wenger, Andrin Hauri, Benjamin Scharte, Kevin Kohler
Editor(s): Oliver Thränert, Benno Zogg
Series Editor(s): Andreas Wenger
Series: Bulletin on Swiss Security Policy
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich
Publication Year: 2020
Publication Place: Zürich

In this contribution to the Bulletin 2020, Andrin Hauri, Kevin Kohler, Benjamin Scharte and Andreas Wenger focus on pandemic preparedness in Switzerland. They describe Switzerland's pandemic preparedness planning as a step-by-step learning process alongside international coordination efforts. A snapshot describes the status of preparations before the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic. At that time, according to the authors, there were still many gaps and interdependencies. Many weaknesses were known to the experts but had been pursued only hesitantly due to a lack of pressure to act and an absence of political attention.
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