No. 229: Swiss Experiences in Addressing Religion in Conflict

No. 229: Swiss Experiences in Addressing Religion in Conflict

Author(s): Angela Ullmann, Jean-Nicolas Bitter
Editor(s): Matthias Bieri
Series Editor(s): Christian Nünlist, Matthias Bieri
Series: CSS Analyses in Security Policy
Issue: 229
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2018
Publication Place: Zurich

Promoting peaceful ways of addressing violent political conflict with religious dimensions is an integral part of Swiss peace policy. It is rooted in the country’s rich history of conflicts related to the coexistence of religious communities. These experiences led to norms of solving problems on a practical and local level in a consensual and collaborative manner that have shaped Switzerland’s political culture.


Enlarged view:
Swiss Historical Conflicts with Religious Dimensions
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