Keeping the Skies Open over Europe

Keeping the Skies Open over Europe

Author(s): Névine Schepers
Editor(s): Annabelle Vuille, Michael Haas
Series: CSS Policy Perspectives
Volume: 8
Issue: 8
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2020
Publication Place: Zurich

According to this CSS Policy Perspective by Névine Schepers, the Open Skies Treaty requires coordinated and outspoken European support to ensure its survival following the US’ withdrawal announcement. While a US withdrawal may be inevitable, there is a small window of opportunity for western European parties to coordinate an appeal to the US highlighting the benefits of the treaty, and to continue to work together with Russia to resolve outstanding compliance issues. Yet, the European response has thus far been mostly led behind closed doors. A more public and united defense strategy is therefore needed.
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