6th Zurich Roundtable on Comprehensive Risk Analysis and Management

6th Zurich Roundtable on Comprehensive Risk Analysis and Management

Network Governance and the Role of Public-Private Partnerships in New Risks

Author(s): Jennifer Giroux, Manuel Suter
Series: CRN Reports
Issue: 6
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2010

This paper presents the main findings of the 6th CRN Roundtable on Comprehensive Risk Analysis and Management. The Roundtable was structured in way that sought to fuse insights from practitioners and scholars. Session I delved into the theoretical background on network governance and the significant role that trust plays in networks and partnerships. The second session was a platform for practitioners to exchange their experiences using PPP to address security issues - critical infrastructure protection, information security, and international terrorism. The final session brought the experts together for a moderated discussion.
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