Emerging Threats in the 21st Century: Strategic Foresight and Warning Seminar Series: Sense-Making and Warning: How to Understand and Anticipate Emerging Threats

Emerging Threats in the 21st Century: Strategic Foresight and Warning Seminar Series: Sense-Making and Warning: How to Understand and Anticipate Emerging Threats

Author(s): Vivian Fritschi, Beat Habegger, Chris Pallaris
Editor(s): Andreas Wenger, Victor Mauer, Myriam Dunn
Series: CRN Reports
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2007

The report reviews the outcome of the second of three CSS/GFP seminars. The seminar built upon the theoretical foundations presented in the first seminar and focused on methodological approaches for establishing early-warning systems. It referred to concrete methods, instruments, and tools; presentations were delivered on cognitive mapping, horizon scanning, quantitative models, and other methodologies.
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